Following is a list of services that are currently available or are anticipated to be made available in the near future;
This facility replaces, enhances, and integrates both the Omnis-based Employee Browser in the Data Warehouse and the Web-based Employee History facility. Available information currently includes employee record change-history (from 9/95), current full employee population, and monthly full employee population information (from 7/96), at the Employee, Appointment, Distribution, and Action levels. PAN notes associated with change actions also included. In the future, it is planned to make Benefit and Pay/Time information available for inquiry via this facility.
Employee information is accessed either directly, via the Employee History and General Selection links, or using a library of pre-defined queries via the Other (Population) and Other (History) links, where pre-defined selections (or 'Stored Queries') may be selected directly from a simple list, or key-word searches may be made of the verbal report descriptions. When a query is selected from the available list, the user is presented with a set of parameters pertinent to that particular query which must be set to specify the scope of the query. For instance, a query selecting for all actions occurring for a given department specific time period would ask the user for the begin and end dates of the period and the departments involved. Another query selecting for all those within a group of department who were currently members of a given collective bargaining unit would ask for the bargaining unit code and the target department list. All queries all have links to help information for each data element required in the query.
As always, the user may only see employee records within the scope of their assigned access rights. Anyone having access to online PPS services may access current non-Secured population information for all employees. Secured population information and all History (or Change) information may only be accessed by those whose PPS departmental access profiles include one or more departments with which a given employee has been associated at some point within the scope of the online history record.
The result of selections on the current population database (General Selection and Other (Population)) are first displayed in the Employee Roster format, from which you may 'drill-down' to the more detailed Employee Status format. You may also choose alternate reporting formats for the selected data from the pull-down list in the upper-left-hand corner of the roster display. The result of selections on the history database (Employee History and Other (History)) are first displayed in the Employee History format. Most report formats allow for the displayed data to be down-loaded to the user's client machine in spreadsheet and word-processing formats for further local processing.
The Merit Entry facility replaces and enhances the old Omnis-based Departmental Merit Entry facility, supporting the entry by designated department of employee merit information. Evaluation and increase information is online in a spreadsheet- like format against prepared employee information, with immediate edits, option selection, cross-reference, and budget-status monitoring. Information entered by departments is posted to a central database and may be immediately reviewed and altered by those with oversight authority at Vice-Chancellor and campus levels. A User's Guide can be found at
The Time Entry facility allows for the direct online entry by departmental timekeepers of employee timesheet information, replacing printed turnaround timesheets. Time and pay information is entered online against prepared employee distribution information for each pay cycle, with full edits and current employee cross-reference and import support. Entry may be made via a quick-entry screen for large groups with simple entry requirement, or may be entered against individual employee screens, where original pay rate, cost-denter, etc. information may be overridden and additional lines may be entered.
This facility allows authorized staff to retrieve employee data from the Data Ware house without knowing a programming language. The query facility's easy-to-use features let you:
There are two types of queries:
As appropriate, these categories host links to related campus and systemwide information sites, online documents, and other pertinent facilities providing Employee and related payroll and personnel services.