Did You Get What You Wanted?
(How can my comments help?)
We are sorry that you were not satisfied with the results. In order to improve our service, we would like to hear about what you were expecting and what you actually received. Our goal is to make the Link Family information services pertinent, accessible, and easy for as wide a range of the campus community as possible.
If you submit your contact information, we'll contact you within 1 business day to communicate with you about your problems.
  First Name:     Last Name:  
  Email:     Phone:  
What is the nature of your issue?:

Please describe the problem or what you were looking for:
How Can My Comments Help?
We need to know what kind of information you need, how you need to specify or select it, and how you need it formatted and organized for display. All of the reports which are currently available are there only because they have been requested by some element of the campus community. We need to hear from YOU regarding YOUR needs for information in order to provide better service to you and to the entire campus.
Please send a detailed description of your requirements to the Customer Service Representative by clicking on the Customer Service Representative Link at the bottom of the "Link" pages. If you see a report or selection option that is close to what you need, please mention that also. Your needs are likely to be very similar to those of many others on campus.