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  • Term
    • Fall Quarter 2023
  • Section ID
    • 229817
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The Literature Department teaches courses in literatures from many areas of the world. World literature courses taught in English translation may be found under the following subject headings:
LTAF (Literature/African)
LTAM (Literature of the Americas)
LTEA (Literatures/East Asian)
LTEU (Literature/European & Eurasian)
LTWL (Literatures of the World)
For detailed course descriptions, please visit: http://literature.ucsd.edu/ Please see the department for more information.

Literatures of the World (LTWL )

As of: 04/01/2024, 02:47:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
500 Apprentice Teaching/Literature ( 2 /4 by 2 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
229788 DI 001 TBA Fiss, Geraldine Anna
500 Apprentice Teaching/Literature ( 2 /4 by 2 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
229789 DI 002 TBA Liao, Ping H
500 Apprentice Teaching/Literature ( 2 /4 by 2 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
229790 DI 003 TBA Lee, Jin-Kyung
500 Apprentice Teaching/Literature ( 2 /4 by 2 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
229792 DI 004 TBA Lampert-Weissig, Lisa
500 Apprentice Teaching/Literature ( 2 /4 by 2 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
229795 DI 005 TBA Walkiewicz, Kathryn A
500 Apprentice Teaching/Literature ( 2 /4 by 2 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
229804 DI 006 TBA Childs, Dennis R.
500 Apprentice Teaching/Literature ( 2 /4 by 2 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
229808 DI 007 TBA Suzuki, Erin M.
500 Apprentice Teaching/Literature ( 2 /4 by 2 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
229813 DI 008 TBA Ploye, Catherine
500 Apprentice Teaching/Literature ( 2 /4 by 2 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
229817 DI 009 TBA Lee, Jeyseon

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