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    • Fall Quarter 2023
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    • 248903
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Computer Science & Engineering

For more information about enrollment methods, prerequisite information, and course descriptions for courses, please visit: UNDERGRADUATE: https://bit.ly/cseugcourses GRADUATE: https://bit.ly/csegradcourses

Computer Science & Engineering (CSE )

As of: 04/01/2024, 02:47:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
8A Intro to Programming 1
Students who have credit for CSE 8B or CSE 11 may not receive credit for CSE 8A.
8A Intro to Programming 1 ( 4 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
LE A00 TuTh 2:00p-3:20p WLH 2001 Porter, Leonard Emerson
DI A01 F 5:00p-5:50p CTL 0125 Porter, Leonard Emerson
248910 LA A50 W 8:00a-8:50a EBU3B B260 Porter, Leonard Emerson
4 50
248911 LA A51 W 9:00a-9:50a EBU3B B260 Porter, Leonard Emerson
6 50
248923 LA A52 W 10:00a-10:50a EBU3B B260 Porter, Leonard Emerson
248931 LA A53 W 11:00a-11:50a EBU3B B260 Porter, Leonard Emerson
2 50
248932 LA A54 W 12:00p-12:50p EBU3B B260 Porter, Leonard Emerson
248944 LA A55 W 1:00p-1:50p EBU3B B260 Porter, Leonard Emerson
5 50
FI 12/14/2023 Th 3:00p-5:59p TBA TBA  

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