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Schedule of Classes

Your search was :
  • Term
    • Winter Quarter 2024
  • Section ID
    • 333616
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Check your @ucsd.edu email for announcements about courses and open sections. Exceptions will not be made for students who fail to receive or read their UCSD email.

Prerequisites are enforced in all courses. For information on new ECON courses and changes to the current catalog, please see: http://economics.ucsd.edu/ugrad/ugradCourses/descriptio ns.php

Economics (ECON )

As of: 07/01/2024, 03:24:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
136 Human Resources ( 4 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
333616 LE A00 TuTh 3:30p-4:50p CSB 004 Betts, Julian
10 55
MI 01/30/2024 Tu 8:00p-9:50p CENTR 115  
MI 02/20/2024 Tu 8:00p-9:50p CENTR 115  
FI 03/16/2024 S 8:00a-10:59a CENTR 115  

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