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  • Term
    • Spring Quarter 2024
  • Section ID
    • 394183
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Chemistry and Biochemistry

Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHEM )

As of: 10/07/2024, 02:48:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
108 Protein Biochemistry Lab
Lab sections meet starting WEEK 1. Students who miss the first 30 minutes of the first lab meeting of the quarter will be administratively dropped from the course. Students who fail to pass the Lab Safety Exam by the start of the first scheduled lab meeting will be administratively dropped from the course with a W. Deadline to ADD or DROP without a 'W' for CHEM LAB courses is by the end of the scheduled second lab meeting. Students who enroll in CHEM 108 will be charged a $175.00 lab fee that will be assessed with registration fees. For Summer Session, if you drop after the second lab meeting, you will receive a 'W' and will not be eligible for a tuition refund. For e xams, attendance at the first lab section, and fees for all laboratory courses, see: http://chemistry.ucsd.edu/go/courses
108 Protein Biochemistry Lab ( 6 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
LE B00 M 11:00a-11:50a TBA TBA Mrse, Anthony Adrian
B00 and A00 lectures will meet together.
394184 LA B01 TuTh 12:00p-3:50p NSB 1103 Mrse, Anthony Adrian
394185 LA B02 TuTh 12:00p-3:50p NSB 1111 Mrse, Anthony Adrian

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