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    • Summer Sessions I 2024
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    • 491040
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Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

All course times are subject to change - please check Tritonlink periodically.

Mechanical & Aerospace Engin (MAE )

As of: 07/01/2024, 03:24:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
113 Fundamentals of Propulsion ( 4 Units)
Sum Sess I 2024: July 01 2024 - August 03 2024
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
491040 LE A00 TuTh 5:00p-7:50p RCLAS R06 Seshadri, Kalyanasundaram
41 80
LE A00 F 5:00p-6:50p RCLAS R06  
FI 08/03/2024 S 7:00p-9:59p TBA TBA  

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