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Ethnic Studies

Ethnic Studies (ETHN )

As of: 03/01/2006, 05:56:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
189 Special Topics/Ethnic Studies ( 4 Units)
Sport & Cultural Politics
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
508372 SE A00 MWF 12:00p-12:50p PETER 103 St. Louis, Brett
19 68
This course will explore the social functions of sport in relation to cultural politics, particularly how sport produces meaning through cultural forms whose social and political implications are often obscured by its categorization as a benign form of recreation and leisure. Fulfills "B" or "D" requirement for ethnic studies major and minor.
FI 12/08/2004 W 11:30a-2:29p PETER 103  
This course will explore the social functions of sport in relation to cultural politics, particularly how sport produces meaning through cultural forms whose social and political implications are often obscured by its categorization as a benign form of recreation and leisure. Fulfills "B" or "D" requirement for ethnic studies major and minor.

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