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  • Term
    • Fall Quarter 2024
  • Section ID
    • 535211
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Chemistry and Biochemistry

Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHEM )

See Class Sections Below

Policies and Deadlines: https://go.ucsd.edu/4dacX2K Lab Safety Requirements: https://go.ucsd.edu/43MIfZ9 ATTENDANCE AT THE FIRST LAB MEETING IS MANDATORY: Students who miss the first 30 minutes of the first lab meeting of the quarter will be administratively dropped from the course. Come prepared to work by wearing long pants and closed-toe shoes, and bringing your textbook, lab notebook, knee-length lab coat, and goggles. LABORATORY SAFETY REQUIREMENT: All students in CHEM 7L, 7LM, 43A, 100A, 100B, 105A, 108, 109, 123, 143B/C are required to pass the Lab Safety Exam for their course in the current term BY MONDAY OF WEEK 1 AT 9AM. Students who do not pass the Lab Safety Requirement will be administratively dropped from the course. Please check the Canvas Safety Site for each lab class you are enrolled in for specific quarter deadlines. FEES FOR LABORATORY COURSES: Students who enroll in CHEM lab courses are charged a lab fee assessed with registration fees. The fees are: CHEM 7L- $40: CHEM 7LM- $40: CHEM 43A- $75: CHEM 100A- $65: CHEM 100B- $156: CHEM 105A- $65: CHEM 105B- $65: CHEM 108- $175: CHEM 109- $175: CHEM 123- $175: CHEM 143B- $110: CHEM 143C- $155.
As of: 03/26/2025, 06:02:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
116 Chemical Biology ( 4 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
LE A00 TuTh 5:00p-6:20p CENTR 216 Ferguson, Fleur
633283 DI A01 F 10:00a-10:50a YORK 4080A Ferguson, Fleur
6 50
633357 DI A02 F 11:00a-11:50a YORK 4080A Ferguson, Fleur
8 50
FI 12/13/2024 F 7:00p-9:59p CENTR 216  

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