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Electrical & Computer Engineering

Electrical & Computer Engineer (ECE )

IMPORTANT LAB COURSE INFORMATION: Students who enroll in the following ECE laboratory c ourses will be charged a lab fee which will be assessed with registration fees. This laboratory fee will be: $10 for ECE 102, ECE 108, ECE 157A, ECE 157B, and ECE 163: $20 for ECE 25, ECE 35, ECE 118 and ECE 166: $35 for ECE 136L, ECE 181, ECE 182, ECE 183, ECE 184, ECE 185 and ECE 186L: and $40 for ECE 138L. Students will be able to enroll in any ECE course through WebReg as long as they meet all course prerequisites. If you need approval to enroll in a class, please stop by the undergraduate office in EBU1 2705 or 2707.
As of: 03/22/2009, 00:35:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
146 Introductn/Magnetic Recording ( 4 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
630389 LE A00 TuTh 8:00a-9:20a YORK 4050B Fullerton, Eric E
12 20

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