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    • Winter Quarter 2025
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Japanese Studies Program

Japanese Studies (JAPN )

As of: 12/12/2024, 05:10:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
20B Second Year Japanese II
If you have been exposed to the Japanese language, you must take an online placement test in order to enroll in to an appropriate JAPN course for your current Japanese proficiency skills. Go to our website (http://japan.ucsd.edu/language/index.html) for the URL and instructions.
20B Second Year Japanese II ( 5 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
LE D00 TuTh 2:00p-3:20p RWAC 0624 Simpson, Junko Tokuda
747991 TU D01 MWF 2:00p-2:50p CENTR 207 Simpson, Junko Tokuda
9 19
FI 03/20/2025 Th 3:00p-5:59p TBA TBA  

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