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*PREREQUISITES ARE ENFORCED IN ALL COURSES* biology.ucsd.edu/education/undergrad/course/prereq

*LABORATORY COURSE ATTENDANCE, FEES, AND SAFETY INFO* http://biology.ucsd.edu/go/ug-labs.html

Biology/Special Studies (BISP )

As of: 10/10/2022, 02:12:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
170 Bioscholars Seminar ( 2 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
77202 SE A00 Tu 4:00p-5:50p BONN 2130 French, Kathleen Ann
2 30
The BioScholars Seminar is designed each year by a committee of BioScholars and their Faculty Advisor. Each year the committee chooses a theme for the seminar talks, typically presented by UCSD faculty members who are experts in their topic, and this year the talks will focus on Circadian Rhythms in general and as they relate to health. In the class students will listen to talks, read papers chosen by the speakers, and have a chance to discuss the topic with each speaker during the session. Prerequisites for the course are BILD 1 & 2, or their equivalent.

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