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    • 790237
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Check your @ucsd.edu email for announcements. Exceptions will not be made for students who fail to receive or read their UCSD email. For information on your ucsd.edu email account and procedures for forwarding messages to an alternate email address, visit http://acms.ucsd.edu/students/email/.

*PREREQUISITES ARE ENFORCED IN ALL COURSES* For additional prerequisite information, visit http://biology.ucsd.edu/undergrad/Prereqhelp.html

Students who do not attend the first 30 minutes of the first scheduled meeting (be it lab/lecture) may be administratively dropped from the course or assigned an F. Prior written notification to the instructor. regarding an anticipated absence may ensure a space. If a student drops a lab course after the end of the second lab session, the Division will report a "W" for the course.
Effective Fall 2008, students are only permitted one "W" grade per course at UCSD. Students will no longer be able to receive multiple "W" grades for the same course. THE NEW "W" POLICY INCLUDES ALL LAB COURSES.
Students who enroll in any of the following Biology courses will be charged a lab fee which will be assessed at the time of registration: BIBC 103 ($50), BICD 145 ($50), BIEB 121 ($50), BIMM 101 ($80), BIMM 121 ($90), BIMM 171A ($125), BIPN 105 ($60).

Biol/Genetics,Cellular&Develop (BICD )

As of: 03/24/2014, 01:25:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
134 Human Reproduction&Development ( 4 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
790237 LE A00 TuTh 5:00p-6:20p WLH 2005 Ghiara, Jayant
12 200
DI A01 M 4:00p-4:50p CENTR 203      
DI A02 W 11:00a-11:50a WLH 2110      
DI A03 W 1:00p-1:50p WLH 2110      
DI A04 Th 7:00p-7:50p WLH 2110      
DI A05 F 12:00p-12:50p WLH 2110      
DI A06 F 1:00p-1:50p WLH 2110      
DI A07 F 2:00p-2:50p WLH 2110      
RE 10/26/2013 S 1:00p-3:50p WLH 2005  
RE 12/04/2013 W 7:00p-9:50p WLH 2005  
FI 12/13/2013 F 7:00p-9:59p WLH 2005  

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