Physics (PHYS )
See Class Sections Below
Check your email and VAC for announcements.
Exceptions will not be made for students who fail to
receive or read their UCSD email and/or VAC. For
information on your email account and
procedures for forwarding messages to an alternate
email address, visit
LABORATORY COURSE ATTENDANCE: You must attend the lab you are enrolled in. If you
miss the first 30-minutes of a scheduled lab meeting
period in week 1 or 2 of the quarter you will be
administratively dropped from the course. If you drop
after the second scheduled lab-meeting period of the
quarter you will receive a W grade (if a W has been
assigned for the course in a previous term, an F will
be assigned).
FEES FOR PHYSICS LABORATORY COURSES: Students who enroll in any of the following Physics
courses will be charged a lab fee which will be assesse
at the time of registration: PHYS 1BL ($3),
PHYS 1CL ($7), PHYS 2CL ($5), PHYS 120 ($25),
PHYS 122 ($25), PHYS 124 ($25).
As of: 07/01/2017, 00:30:00