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    • 895090
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*PREREQUISITES ARE ENFORCED IN ALL COURSES* biology.ucsd.edu/education/undergrad/course/prereq

*LABORATORY COURSE ATTENDANCE, FEES, AND SAFETY INFO* http://biology.ucsd.edu/go/ug-labs.html

Biol/Genetics,Cellular&Develop (BICD )

As of: 07/01/2017, 00:30:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
100 Genetics ( 4 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
LE B00 TuTh 6:30p-7:50p PETER 108 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
The final exam for this course is located in the RECGYM REC (map) which is located next to the Main Gym in the Muir College area.
895091 DI B01 M 7:00p-7:50p CENTR 203 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
6 32
895092 DI B02 M 8:00p-8:50p CENTR 203 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
8 32
895093 DI B03 M 8:00a-8:50a HSS 1305 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
24 32
895094 DI B04 M 9:00a-9:50a HSS 1305 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
4 32
895095 DI B05 M 4:00p-4:50p CENTR 203 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
7 32
895096 DI B06 M 6:00p-6:50p HSS 1305 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
7 32
895097 DI B07 F 8:00a-8:50a HSS 1305 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
22 32
895098 DI B08 F 9:00a-9:50a HSS 1305 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
10 32
895099 DI B09 F 11:00a-11:50a HSS 1305 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
7 32
895100 DI B10 F 12:00p-12:50p HSS 1305 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
6 32
895101 DI B11 F 1:00p-1:50p HSS 1305 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
4 32
895102 DI B12 F 12:00p-12:50p SEQUO 147 Lo, Stanley Malvin Ming-Hi
7 32
RE 02/15/2017 W 8:00p-10:50p LEDDN AUD  
The final exam for this course is located in the RECGYM REC (map) which is located next to the Main Gym in the Muir College area.
RE 03/08/2017 W 7:00p-9:50p WLH 2001  
The final exam for this course is located in the RECGYM REC (map) which is located next to the Main Gym in the Muir College area.
RE 03/17/2017 F 6:00p-8:50p PCYNH 109  
The final exam for this course is located in the RECGYM REC (map) which is located next to the Main Gym in the Muir College area.
FI 03/21/2017 Tu 7:00p-9:59p RECGM REC  
The final exam for this course is located in the RECGYM REC (map) which is located next to the Main Gym in the Muir College area.

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