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Schedule of Classes

Your search was :
  • Term
    • Fall Quarter 2023
  • Section ID
    • 241668
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The Sociology Department administrative offices are located on the Eleanor Roosevelt Campus in the Social Science Building, Fourth Floor, Room 401. Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30a-4pm. Phone: (858) 534-4627.
For information on tentative and projected quarterly course offerings, instructors, and descriptions, including Summers Session, go to: http://sociology.ucsd.edu/ , click on the "Undergraduate Program" and scroll to "Course Offerings." Section dates and times are also subject to change. For a complete listing of Sociology Department course offerings, use the 'by department' search option on the schedule of classes.

Sociology (SOCI )

As of: 04/01/2024, 02:47:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
30 Science, Technology & Society ( 4 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
LE A00 MWF 9:00a-9:50a MANDE B-150 Rogers, Julia Ellen
241669 DI A01 Tu 3:00p-3:50p SSB 101 Rogers, Julia Ellen
1 32
241670 DI A02 Tu 4:00p-4:50p SSB 101 Rogers, Julia Ellen
1 35
FI 12/13/2023 W 8:00a-10:59a MANDE B-150  

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