UC San Diego Menu

Schedule of Classes

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  • Term
    • Fall Quarter 2023
  • Section ID
    • 292383
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Medicine (MED )

As of: 04/01/2024, 02:47:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
468 Med Act Intnsp/Scrps/Mercy/Grn
In this four week course, students assume many of the responsibilities of Internal Medicine interns under the direct supervision of resident physicians and departmental faculty. Students can elect to rotate at either Scripps Green or Mercy Hospital.
468 Med Act Intnsp/Scrps/Mercy/Grn ( 7 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
292383 CL A00 TBA Frederick, William James
49 50

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