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    • 939182
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*PREREQUISITES ARE ENFORCED IN ALL COURSES* biology.ucsd.edu/education/undergrad/course/prereq

*LABORATORY COURSE ATTENDANCE, FEES, AND SAFETY INFO* http://biology.ucsd.edu/go/ug-labs.html

Biology/Biochemistry (BIBC )

As of: 10/15/2018, 01:57:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
100 Structural Biochemistry ( 4 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
LE A00 TuTh 3:30p-4:50p PETER 108 Grossman, Emily N
The final exam for this course is located in the RECGYM REC which is located next to the Main Gym in the Muir College area.
939183 DI A01 M 3:00p-3:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
1 32
939184 DI A02 M 4:00p-4:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
2 32
939185 DI A03 M 5:00p-5:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
2 32
939186 DI A04 M 6:00p-6:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
3 32
939187 DI A05 M 7:00p-7:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
7 32
939188 DI A06 M 8:00p-8:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
16 30
939189 DI A07 W 3:00p-3:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
939190 DI A08 W 4:00p-4:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
2 32
939191 DI A09 W 5:00p-5:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
3 32
939192 DI A10 W 6:00p-6:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
2 32
939193 DI A11 W 7:00p-7:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
7 30
939194 DI A12 W 8:00p-8:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
22 30
939195 DI A13 F 3:00p-3:50p HSS 2321 Grossman, Emily N
3 32
RE 05/06/2018 Sun 12:00p-2:50p PETER 108  
The final exam for this course is located in the RECGYM REC which is located next to the Main Gym in the Muir College area.
RE 06/09/2018 S 11:00a-1:50p PETER 108  
The final exam for this course is located in the RECGYM REC which is located next to the Main Gym in the Muir College area.
FI 06/11/2018 M 3:00p-5:59p RECGM REC  
The final exam for this course is located in the RECGYM REC which is located next to the Main Gym in the Muir College area.

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