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    • Spring Quarter 2024
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    • 435617
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Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

All course times are subject to change - please check Tritonlink periodically.

Mechanical & Aerospace Engin (MAE )

As of: 07/26/2024, 05:45:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
3 Intro to Mechanical Design
IMPORTANT LAB COURSE INFORMATION: Students who enroll in MAE 3 will be charged a lab fee of $65.00 that will be assessed with registration fees. Attendance in YOUR first week's lab section of MAE 3 is MANDATORY. Students who do not attend the lab section they are signed up for may lose their registration right to continue in the class. Responsibility for officially dropping the course, however, belongs to the student.
3 Intro to Mechanical Design ( 4 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
LE B00 TuTh 9:30a-10:50a FAH 1450 Delson, Nathan Joseph
Mullin, Jennifer S
435618 LA B01 W 9:00a-11:50a TBA TBA Delson, Nathan Joseph
Mullin, Jennifer S
4 15
435626 LA B02 W 2:00p-4:50p TBA TBA Delson, Nathan Joseph
Mullin, Jennifer S
1 18
435666 LA B03 Cancelled
435679 LA B04 Cancelled
494545 LA B05 Th 2:30p-5:20p EBU2 313 Delson, Nathan Joseph
Mullin, Jennifer S
1 16
515067 LA B06 Th 11:00a-1:50p EBU2 313 Delson, Nathan Joseph
Mullin, Jennifer S
FI 06/11/2024 Tu 8:00a-10:59a FAH 1450  

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