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Schedule of Classes

Your search was :
  • Term
    • Winter Quarter 2025
  • Section ID
    • 769501
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Visual Arts

Visual Arts (VIS )

See Class Sections Below

Students enrolled in and/or students on the wait list are expected to attend the first day of classes and sections.

A "D" by the course number means you must speak with an advisor in Mandeville 216 to obtain department authorization. Check http://visarts.ucsd.edu for updated advising hours.

An "O" by the course number means you must be a Visual Arts or ICAM major or minor to enroll in the course. Minors must speak with an advisor in Mandeville 216 to be authorized for courses marked with an "O". Check http://visarts.ucsd.edu for updated advising hours.

Check your @ucsd.edu e-mail address for information and updates about course offerings, including cancellation, schedule adjustments, and new sections. Exceptions will not be made for students who fail to receive or read their UCSD mail.
As of: 02/13/2025, 03:12:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
2 Intr/Art-Making:Motn&Time Base
VIS 2 sections will not meet before the first main lecture.
2 Intr/Art-Making:Motn&Time Base ( 4 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
LE A00 W 5:00p-6:50p FAH 1301 Segade, Alexandro Abraham
769502 ST A01 MW 8:00a-9:50a MANDE B115A Segade, Alexandro Abraham
1 25
769503 ST A02 MW 10:00a-11:50a MANDE B115A Segade, Alexandro Abraham
3 25
769504 ST A03 TuTh 8:30a-10:20a MANDE B115B Segade, Alexandro Abraham
1 25
769505 ST A04 TuTh 10:30a-12:20p MANDE B115B Segade, Alexandro Abraham
2 25
769506 ST A05 TuTh 12:30p-2:20p MANDE B115B Segade, Alexandro Abraham
1 25
769507 ST A06 TuTh 10:30a-12:20p MANDE B115A Segade, Alexandro Abraham
1 25
769508 ST A07 TuTh 12:30p-2:20p MANDE B115A Segade, Alexandro Abraham
769509 ST A08 TuTh 2:30p-4:20p MANDE B115A Segade, Alexandro Abraham
2 25

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