Transfer of Funds. Changes based on feedback from campus clients include:
Separation of Current-Year & Permanent Transaction Detail screens.
Document preparers will now have the ability to select the type of transaction
(permanent, current-year or both) they intend to complete and will link to
the appropriate Transaction Detail screen in which the required data entry
fields are presented in a more concise manner.
Combination of Current-Year & Permanent approval functions into one
Approval button and combination of Complete & Approve functions into one
button. Complete & Approve function has also been shifted from its own link
to the bottom of the Header page, to consolidate the number of screens that
must be navigated.
The processing of Unapproved Documents has been enhanced. After the first
document has been approved, a drop-down list appears at the top of the
Header screen showing other Transfer of Funds documents pending the client's
review & approval.
Several navigation buttons previously located on the side-bar have
been shifted to the top of the page for greater visibility and ease of use.