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Help: Transfer of Funds

Select Help Topic Overview: Transfer of Funds
bullet Creating a New Transfer
bullet Adding Transaction Details
bullet Completing and Approving a Transfer
bullet Printing a Transfer
bullet Inquiring about an Existing Transfer
bullet Making Changes to the Transfer - Header
bullet Making Changes to the Transfer - Detail
bullet Deleting the Transfer - Header
bullet Deleting the Transfer - Detail
bullet Importing Data
bullet Viewing the Summary of Transfer Activity
bullet Viewing the Approval History of a Transfer
bullet Viewing Unapproved Documents
bullet Reviewing and Approving Transfers of Others
bullet Establishing Approval Hierarchies
The transfer of funds system consists of multi-purpose screens which can be used to make modifications to both the permanent and operating budgets.

The permanent budget is the approved annualized plan of financial operations for the University, and is adjusted only to reflect changes which have a permanent impact on the budget. The operating budget is the financial plan of operations for the current fiscal year as shown in the operating ledger.

There are two primary screens: the Header screen and the Transaction Detail screen.

The Header screen contains information applicable to the entire document, such as the document number, effective date and document description.

The Transaction Detail screen contains the individual transactions making up the document.

Creating a New Transfer

  1. Enter the word "NEXT" in the Transfer Number field. The system will assign a unique document number in sequential order. It is an eight character field that identifies the actual document number and the fiscal year it was transacted. The basic format is Tyr#####, i.e., T9900027 is transfer number 00027 for fiscal year 1998-99.
  2. Enter document Description. The description characterizes the general purpose of the transfer document (i.e., recruitment, turnover savings, final staffing, special event, etc.).
  3. Enter the Transaction Date. This is the last day of the month for the period you wish to affect. The transaction date will determine in which budget and/or ledger period the document will be posted. For example, if 12/30/98 is used, the document will be posted to the December budget and ledger; if 1/31/99 is used, it will be posted to the January budget and ledger period.
  4. Enter the Document Total. This is the total of ALL debits and credits contained in the transfer (i.e., if current-year DB=30.55/CR=30.55 and permanent DB=50/CR=50, the document total is 30.55+30.55+50+50=161.10). This field may be completed after all of the transaction details have been entered in a Transaction Detail screen.
  5. Select the Posting Type. This field should never be changed from "I", Immediate. This will cause a document, once it has received final approval, to IMMEDIATELY post to the operating ledger.
  6. Select the Approval Template appropriate for the transfer type. Note that the drop-down list represents the transfer of funds hierarchies established for your user ID. Contact your DSA if you require additional templates.
  7. Enter the Text Information. This field is used to enter the reason for the document transactions. All amendments to the operating and permanent budgets are required to contain descriptive information with sufficient justification for the transfer. Justification should address the reason(s) why the funds are available in one budget account and needed in the other where they are to be transferred. When permanent salary budgets are adjusted, affected provision numbers should be shown if information is available to the user.
  8. Click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen. You will receive a "successful submission" message. If there are errors, you will receive a specific error message.

Adding Transaction Details

  1. Select the type of Transaction Details to be completed from the button choices at the top of the Header page: Current Year (CY) Detail; Permanent (PERM) Detail; or CY & PERM Detail.
  2. Enter the Index. Note: For permanent budget entries, you MUST use a "BD" index number.
  3. Enter the Account. Note: For permanent budget entries, you must use an account format of XX0000. Expenditures generally are budgeted to the accounts listed below; transactions affecting the permanent budget should have 6X0000 format:

    • Academic Salaries - 600000

    • Staff Salaries - 610000

    • General Assistance - 620000

    • Employee Benefits - 660000

    • Supplies & Expenses - 630000

    • Equipment - 640000

    • Travel - 650000

    • Unallocated - 680000

    • Recharges - 690000

  4. Fund, Organization and Program fields are optional; the system will automatically provide the fund/org/program values associated with the Index number entered.

    Control Points: University expenditure programs are classified according to appropriation categories. Each appropriation category defines a recognized University activity, such as Instruction and Department Research, Organized Research and Libraries. The President has designated, within the organization of expenditure programs, certain control points for the purpose of budget administration for all 19XXXA and 205XXA funds. The primary purpose of budget control points is to ensure that these funds are expended for the purposes for which they were approved and allocated. The following control points are designated:

    • 40XXXX & 43XXXX - Instruction and Departmental Research and Academic Support related to General Campus, Agricultural Sciences and Health Sciences
    • 42XXXX - Teaching Hospitals
    • 44XXXX through 59XXXX - Organized Research
    • 60XXXX - Libraries
    • 61XXXX - University Extension and Agricultural Extension
    • 62XXXX - Campus Public Service
    • 64XXXX - Operation and Maintenance of Plant
    • 66XXXX & 72XXXX - General Administration and Institutional Support
    • 68XXXX - Student Services
    • 76XXXX - Auxiliary Enterprises
    • 77XXXX through 79XXXX - Student Aid

    If a current-year transaction is to be entered:

  5. Type a brief description at Current-Year Information - Description.
  6. Enter the dollar amount of the current-year transaction in the Amount field. Note: It is not necessary to enter commas or right-justify the amount. Current-year amounts can include pennies.
  7. Select debit/credit or plus/minus as follows:

    Increase (+) Decrease (-)
    Revenue Accounts (5XXXXX) Debit Credit
    Expenditure Accounts (6XXXXX) Credit Debit
    Transfer Accounts (7XXXXX) Credit Debit

    NOTE: Current-year transactions must be in balance by fund.

    If a permanent transaction is to be entered:

  8. Select the SAU code.
  9. Select the Sub Campus code.
  10. Select the Transaction Class code. "A" is used if the transfer is an "Adjustment" for the current year; "I" is used if the transfer is an "Increment" ("I" is used only in May-June in preparation for the next fiscal year).
  11. Select the Type code.
  12. Enter a brief description of the transaction to be processed. This description will be reflected in the adjusted budget & staffing reports.
  13. If amount of permanently budgeted FTE is to be adjusted, enter the FTE amount. This field is only used in conjunction with accounts 600000, 610000 and 620000.
  14. Select the appropriate debit/credit indicator.
  15. Enter the dollar amount of the permanent transaction in the Amount field. Note: It is not necessary to enter commas or right-justify the amount. Permanent amounts must be whole dollars only.
  16. Select the appropriate debit/credit indicator.

    NOTE: Permanent transactions must be in balance by fund, class and type.

  17. Click on the Add button. You will receive a "successful submission" message. If there are errors, you will receive a specific error message.

    As each transaction detail is added, the Balancing Section of the Transaction Detail screen will be modified. The Balancing Section is located at the top of the Transaction Detail screen and is automatically computed by the system to reflect the total debit/credit transactions entered on the Detail screen. The system uses this section to verify that all transactions are balanced. Net should always be 0.00 for debits/credits to be in balance.

  18. Repeat steps 9 - 24 as required. Note: Any information that remains the same as the previous transaction does not have to be re-entered.
  19. After all of the transactions for the transfer have been completed, click on the Return to Header button.

Completing and Approving a Transfer

Prior to completing and approving a transfer, it may be necessary to change the document total if no total was originally entered. If the document total is correct, skip to step 3.

  1. Enter the total of all debits and credits in Document Total.
  2. Click on the "Change" button. You will receive a "successful submission" statement. If there are errors, you will receive a specific error message.
  3. Scroll to the Document Status section of the Header page, located near the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on either the "Complete Only" button to complete, but not approve the document; OR click on the "Complete & Aprrove" button to complete and approve the document for your level.
  5. You will receive a "successful submission" statement and either a "Document approved for current level" or "Final Approval" statement. If there are errors, you will receive a specific error message.

Printing a Transfer

  1. Press on the Print Request button located at the top of the Transfer of Funds Header screen.
  2. Enter the Printer ID. If you are unsure of the printer ID, click on the to view a list of printers. Once you have found the printer, click on the printer ID to "drag" it back to the report request screen.
  3. Enter the receiver name and mail code. Note: this field is used when printing the cover page for the transfer. If you are sending the print job somewhere other than to your department's printer, the receiver name and mail code will be used to route the transfer to the appropriate destination.

Inquiring about an Existing Transfer

You may research an existing transfer either from the Transfer of Funds - Header screen by completing the shaded fields and pressing the View Document button, or from the Transfer of Funds – Detail screen by completing the View Existing Transfer of Funds sidebar button and pressing the Find It button. If you are unsure of the document number, click on the next to the Transfer Number field to view a list of existing transfers. Once you have found the document, click on the transfer number to "drag" it back to the Transfer of Funds - Header screen.

Making Changes to the Transfer - Header

  1. If the transfer is not already displayed, complete the shaded fields and press the "View Document" button.
  2. If the transfer has already been completed, you must "Uncomplete" and "Unapprove" the document:

  3. Enter the changes to the appropriate fields.
  4. Click on the "Change" button.
  5. You will receive a "successful submission" statement. If there are errors, you will receive a specific error message.
  6. If you are finished with the transfer, you will need to complete and approve the document. If you have previously approved the document, you will only be able to complete it as your prior approval is still recorded in IFIS.

Making Changes to the Transfer - Detail

  1. If the journal is already completed, it must be "Uncompleted" and "Unapproved".
  2. Retrieve the transaction by selecting the appropriate sequence number from the drop down list in the Sequence field. (Note: Each transaction is given a system-assigned sequence number as it is entered beginning with sequence "0001".)
  3. Change the appropriate fields.
  4. Click on the "Change" button.
  5. You will receive a "successful submission" message. If there are errors, you will receive a specific error message.
  6. If you are finished with the transfer, you will need to complete and approve the document. If you have previously approved the document, you will only be able to complete it as your prior approval is still recorded in IFIS.

Deleting the Transfer - Header

  1. If the transfer is not already displayed, complete the shaded fields and press the "View Document" button.
  2. Click on the "Delete" button. (Caution: Deleting the Transfer of Funds header record will permanently remove the transfer and all associated detail from IFIS.)
  3. You will receive a "successful submission" statement.

Deleting the Transfer - Detail

  1. If the transaction is not already displayed, select the appropriate sequence number using the dropdown list in the Sequence field.
  2. Click on the "Delete" button. Deleting the Transfer of Funds detail record will remove only the transaction on the screen. (Note: To delete all transactions, delete the Transfer of Funds Header.)
  3. You will receive a "successful submission" statement.

Importing Data

The 'Import Data' button will allow you to select almost any application created on a desktop computer and upload transactions to the Transfer of Funds - Detail screen.

Viewing a Summary of Transfer Activity

  1. To view several lines of transactions at a time, press on the View Summary button from either the Transfer of Funds Header or Detail screens.
  2. Click on any sequence number to "drag" the detail for the selected sequence number back to the Transaction Detail screen.
  3. Click on Return to Header, Transaction Detail or any of the top or sidebar buttons to exit this function.

Viewing the Approval History of a Transfer

By accessing the approval audit trail, you may view who approved a document, when the document was approved, and the current approval status of the document.

Possible status indicators are as follows:

N - not reviewed
Y - reviewed and approved for that level
F - reviewed and received final approval

  1. From the Transfer of Funds Header screen, retrieve the document.
  2. Press the View Audit Trail button. The audit trail will display.
  3. Click the Return button to exit this function.

Viewing Unapproved Documents

By accessing the Unapproved Documents screen, you may view all documents either prepared by you or prepared by others within your hierarchy which still need your completion and/or approval. You may also view documents prepared by others outside of your hierarchy.

  1. If you have just logged on to the Transfer of Funds - Header screen, you will get a message "You have documents to complete/approve." at the top of the screen. Click on the View button. Otherwise, press the Unapproved Documents sidebar button from either the Transfer of Funds - Header or the Transfer of Funds - Transaction Detail screens.
  2. The screen will automatically display your user ID and "ALL" document types will also automatically display. To limit the view to unapproved Current-Year or Permanent Transfers only, select document type "BSC" or "BSP".
  3. To view other's unapproved documents, enter their user ID in the User ID field and press the Select button.
  4. The screen displays all document numbers, the document total entered on the Transfer of Funds - Header screen, and any prior approvals with the user ID, date, and time of the approval. (Note: this screen only displays those documents that are pending your approval. If you are an approver in another user's hierarchy, and the document(s) have not been completed and/or approved at the lower levels, it will not display in your unapproved documents listing.)
  5. To drag the transfer back to the Transfer of Funds - Header screen, click on the document number.

Reviewing and Approving Transfers of Others

  1. Retrieve the document from the Unapproved Documents screen.
  2. Click on View Summary from the Transfer of Funds - Header screen to most easily review all components of the transfer.
  3. Navigate to the "Document Header" screen.
  4. Approve the document. If you are the final approver, the message will display FINAL APPROVAL HAS BEEN ACQUIRED and, if transactions affect the current-year, POSTING PROCESS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED; otherwise, the message will display CURRENT APPROVED FOR LEVEL and/or PERMANENT APPROVED FOR LEVEL.

Establishing Approval Hierarchies

Departmental Security Administrator's (DSA's) are responsible for establishing and maintaining all approval hierarchies. The DSA must establish a minimum of two approval templates, BSC and BSP types, for the preparer of Transfer of Funds documents. An approval template defines the routing of a transfer document. Templates begin as blank documents which the DSA establishes, working with the preparer and department MSO, with a prespecified set of approvers. Once these approval trails/templates are established, they will be used over again and again by the preparers of Transfer of Funds documents.

Documents will be posted to the operating ledger and/or permanent adjusted budget only when final approval has been acquired. Each department, through its DSA, determines the guidelines for assigning approval authority. The Campus Budget Office must be the final approving authority for ALL permanent transactions. Academic Personnel must be the second to last approving authority for ALL permanent and current-year transactions involving academic salaries (account 600000).

Once approval templates have been established, DSAs must prepare a DSA Certification of Training Form and screen prints of the established templates, signed & dated by both the DSA and department MSO. The training form and copies of the established templates must be forwarded to the Campus Budget Office at mail code 0936.