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  • Term
    • Spring Quarter 2023
  • Section ID
    • 121557
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Biomedical Sciences

Biomedical Sciences (BIOM )

As of: 10/09/2023, 02:12:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
299 Independent Study ( 1 -12 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
121326 IN 003 TBA Alexandrov, Ludmil B
99 100
299 Independent Study ( 1 -12 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
121424 IN 009 TBA Chang, John Tzu-yu
99 100
299 Independent Study ( 1 -12 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
121426 IN 011 TBA Chi, Neil C.
99 100
299 Independent Study ( 1 -12 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
121427 IN 012 TBA Chu, Hiutung
99 100
299 Independent Study ( 1 -12 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
121428 IN 013 TBA Chun, Jerold
98 100
299 Independent Study ( 1 -12 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
121430 IN 014 TBA Cleveland, Don W.
99 100
299 Independent Study ( 1 -12 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
121433 IN 015 TBA Corbett, Kevin Daniel
99 100
299 Independent Study ( 1 -12 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
121434 IN 016 TBA Crotty, Shane
98 100
299 Independent Study ( 1 -12 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
121443 IN 025 TBA Frazer, Kelly A.
99 100

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