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  • Term
    • Spring Quarter 2023
  • Section ID
    • 130421
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Electrical & Computer Engineering

Electrical & Computer Engineer (ECE )

IMPORTANT LAB COURSE INFORMATION: Students who enroll in the following ECE laboratory courses will be charged a lab fee which will be assessed with registration fees. This laboratory fee will be: $10 for ECE 65, ECE 100, and ECE 163: $20 for ECE 25, ECE 35: $35 for ECE 136L, ECE 181, ECE 182, ECE 183, ECE 184, ECE 185 and ECE 186L: $40 for ECE 138L: and $75 for ECE 5, ECE 16, ECE 115, ECE 196. Students will be able to enroll in any ECE course through WebReg as long as they meet all course prerequisites. If you need approval to enroll in a class, please submit your request through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). Students who drop a lab course before the end of the second week of the quarter are eligible for a refund of the charged lab fee.
As of: 10/09/2023, 02:12:00

Course Number Section ID
Meeting Type
Section Days Time Building & Room
Instructor Seats  
Available Limit
299 Research ( 1 -16 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
130107 IN 001 TBA Antipa, Nicholas A
299 Research ( 1 -16 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
130153 IN 003 TBA Atanasov, Nikolay A.
299 Research ( 1 -16 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
130176 IN 005 TBA Bharadia, Dinesh
299 Research ( 1 -16 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
130192 IN 007 TBA Cosman, Pamela C.
299 Research ( 1 -16 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
130193 IN 008 TBA Lin, Bill
299 Research ( 1 -16 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
130194 IN 009 TBA Dayeh, Shadi Ahmad
299 Research ( 1 -16 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
130197 IN 010 TBA Dey, Sujit
299 Research ( 1 -16 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
130200 IN 012 TBA Fainman, Yeshaiahu
299 Research ( 1 -16 Units)
Prerequisites  |  Resources |  Evaluations
130202 IN 014 TBA Franceschetti, Massimo

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