Electrical & Computer Engineer (ECE )
Students who enroll in the following ECE laboratory
courses will be charged a lab fee which will be
assessed with registration fees. This laboratory
fee will be: $10 for ECE 65, ECE 100, and ECE 163: $20
for ECE 25, ECE 35: $35 for ECE 136L, ECE 181,
ECE 182, ECE 183, ECE 184, ECE 185 and ECE 186L: $40
for ECE 138L: and $75 for ECE 5, ECE 16, ECE 115,
ECE 196. Students will be able to enroll in any ECE
course through WebReg as long as they meet all course
prerequisites. If you need approval to enroll in a
class, please submit your request through the
Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). Students who
drop a lab course before the end of the second week of
the quarter are eligible for a refund of the charged
lab fee.
As of: 10/09/2023, 02:12:00